Beyrer Aims For Strategic Investor at Telekom Austria

People ♦ Published: March 5, 2012; 13:21 ♦ (Vindobona)

The head of the state holding ÖIAG and Telekom Austria´s supervisory board believes that Ronny Pecik will not remain as shareholder. A strategic partner is desired.

Beyrer Aims For Strategic Investor at Telekom Austria / Picture: © IV/ Jungwirth

As Markus Beyrer thinks that the core shareholder Ronny Pecik (who officially holds a 20% stake in Telekom Austria) will leave the company in the medium term, a “right partner” is desired. Beyrer is said to look for a strategic investor guaranteeing stability.

“For me it is more probable that a strategic partner will become a major shareholder in Telekom Austria.” Beyrer…