Bene AG - Results for the first quarter of 2010/11

CompaniesRetail & Consumer ♦ Published: June 23, 2010; 00:00 ♦ (Vindobona)

In the first quarter of 2010/11 sales and earnings of the Bene Group were still affected by the difficult economic environment in most of the markets.

Bene AG - Results for the first quarter of 2010/11 / Picture: © Bene Furniture

- Sales decreased by 21.6 % in total to €37.3m
- Austria: Sales increase of 8.4 % to €15.7m
- EBITDA of €-0.9m slightly negative
- Personnel expenses continue to decline
- Equity ratio of 31.6 % still remains at a high level

In the first quarter of 2010/11 (February 1 to April 30, 2010) sales and earnings of the Bene Group were still affected by…

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